While new MLS graduates can land full-time positions, those without relevant work experience may have to start their careers as assistant librarians. A typical route of advancement would be to the position of director or manager of the library, overseeing a staff of less experienced librarians and nonprofessional workers such as clerical help. However, much depends on the size of the company and its library budget. It is not uncommon for smaller companies to have a library staff of one. Corporate librarians can also advance their career by transferring to larger companies with bigger libraries.
Some corporate librarians choose to become independent consultants in their area of specialty. Companies without the resources or constant need to have their own facility often turn to freelancers to manage special projects. A small communications firm may contract a consultant to research technology trends or identify sectors of industry. Associations may enlist outside help in organizing data for a newly designed Web site.
- Accountants
- Acquisitions Librarians
- Arbitrators
- Archivists
- Auditors
- Automotive Dealership Owners
- Billing Clerks
- Book Conservators
- Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks
- Budget Analysts
- Business Continuity Planners
- Business Development Managers and Directors
- Business Intelligence Analysts
- Business Managers
- Buyers
- Chief Customer Officers
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Financial Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Chief Information Security Officers
- Chief Restructuring Officers
- Chief Revenue Officers
- Chief Robotics Officer
- Chief Sustainability Officers
- Chief Trust Officers
- Children's Librarians
- Client Services Managers
- Collection Workers
- Community Health Program Coordinators
- Compliance Managers
- Continuous Improvement Managers
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Corporate Community Relations Directors
- Corporate Lawyers
- Cost Estimators
- Cultural Advisers
- Customer Service Directors
- Customer Service Representatives
- Customs Brokers
- Data Entry Clerks
- Database Specialists
- Decision Scientists
- Digital Workplace Experience Engineers
- Directors of Corporate Sponsorship
- Directors of Security
- Document Management Specialists
- Economists
- Entrepreneurs
- Ethical Sourcing Officer
- Event Planners
- Executive Recruiters
- Exhibit Designers
- Fashion Models' Agents
- Film and Video Librarians
- Forensic Accountants and Auditors
- Franchise Owners
- Health Care Managers
- Health Club Owners and Managers
- Health Data Analysts
- Human Resources Managers
- Information Brokers
- Information Technology Infrastructure Engineers
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Executives
- Internet Store Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Internet Transaction Specialists
- Labor Union Business Agents
- Law Librarians
- Legal Operations Specialists
- Librarians
- Library and Information Science Instructors
- Library Assistants
- Library Directors
- Library Media Specialists
- Library Technicians
- Loss Prevention Managers
- Management Analysts and Consultants
- Medical Librarians
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Librarians
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Office Administrators
- Payroll Directors
- Product Designers
- Professional Organizers
- Project Managers
- Proposal Managers
- Purchasing Agents
- Receptionists
- Regulatory Affairs Managers
- Regulatory Affairs Specialists
- Sales Managers
- Sales Representatives
- Secretaries
- Space Tourism Managers
- Statisticians
- Stenographers
- Strategy Managers
- Tax Managers
- Temporary Workers
- Traffic Managers
- Typists and Word Processors
- Workplace Diversity Experts