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Video Game Producers

Education and Training Requirements

High School

An interest in playing video games is obviously a requirement, but producers need to know a lot more about the technical side of game development and testing. Create a good foundation by taking math and computer science classes while in high school. Art classes are also useful to stimulate and develop your creative sensibilities, such as illustration—both by hand and with computer drawing tools.

Postsecondary Training

Most larger game developers require producers as well as programmers, testers, and other entry-level workers to have a college degree. A bachelor's degree in computer science with an emphasis in programming, game design, or Web design is preferred, though many enter the industry with business degrees that can come in handy when dealing with clients, balancing the budget, and developing a strong business plan.

Other Education or Training

The International Game Developers Association offers webinars for new members on a variety of game-related topics, as well as workshops at industry events. Women in Games International and other software and computer associations also provide continuing education opportunities.

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