Much has happened in the gaming industry since Atari introduced Pong in the early 1970s. Since then, new consoles have come out, including some forgotten hits, such as Intellivision and ColecoVision; more recent names include Nintendo, Sega, Sony PlayStation, and Microsoft Xbox. The industry has become a billion-dollar venture, with much to win in the case of a hot game (think of Super Mario Brothers in its heyday), but also much to lose in the case of a financial sinker (think of E.T. the Extra Terrestrial—a game so unpopular it actually ended the life of the Atari 2600 console). This financial risk created the need for better oversight and management in the video game production process, which is why the job of producer was born. Video game producers oversee the creative people working away on the details of the game, while ensuring that client and consumer interest will make the project financially viable from the start and marketable in the future.
- Actors
- Animators
- Art Directors
- Artist and Repertoire Workers
- Artists
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Augmented Reality Developers
- Bloggers
- Book Editors
- Broadcast Engineers
- Camera Operators
- Cartoonists
- Chief Information Officers
- Choreographers
- Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
- Circus Performers
- Clowns
- Columnists
- Comedians
- Comic Book Writers
- Computer and Video Game Designers
- Computer Programmers
- Content Management Specialists
- Copy Editors
- Copywriters
- Dancers
- Digital Advertising Workers
- Digital Agents
- Digital Designers
- Digital Marketing Workers
- Disc Jockeys
- Doll Designers and Makers
- Editorial Assistants
- Editorial Research Assistants
- Editors
- E-Sports Professionals
- Fashion Illustrators
- Fashion Writers and Editors
- Film and Television Directors
- Film and Television Editors
- Film and Television Extras
- Film and Television Producers
- Food Writers and Editors
- Foreign Correspondents
- Graphic Designers
- Graphics Programmers
- Illustrators
- Industrial Designers
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Content Curators
- Internet Developers
- Internet Executives
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Internet Quality Assurance Specialists
- Internet Security Specialists
- JavaScript Developers
- Literary Agents
- Live Streamers
- Magazine Editors
- Magicians
- Makeup Artists
- Marketing Managers
- Mobile Software Developers
- Motion Graphics Artists
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Producers
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musicians
- News Anchors
- Newspaper Editors
- Non-Fungible Token Artists
- Online Gambling Specialists
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Photo Editors
- Photographers
- Photojournalists
- Podcasters
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Product Development Directors
- Product Management Directors
- Product Managers
- Production Assistants
- Production Designers and Art Directors
- Radio and Television Announcers
- Radio and Television Program Directors
- Radio Producers
- Reporters
- Science and Medical Writers
- Screenwriters
- Search Engine Optimization Specialists
- Show Runners
- Singers
- Social Media Influencers
- Social Media Workers
- Software Application Developers
- Software Designers
- Software Engineers
- Software Quality Assurance Testers
- Songwriters
- Special and Visual Effects Technicians
- Sporting Goods Production Workers
- Sports Broadcasters and Announcers
- Sports Photographers
- Sportswriters
- Stage Production Workers
- Stunt Performers
- Talent Agents and Scouts
- Technical Writers and Editors
- Toy and Game Designers
- Toy Industry Workers
- Unity Developers
- User Experience Designers
- Video Game Art Directors
- Video Game Testers
- Visual Interaction Designers
- Webmasters
- Writers