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Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors

Employment Prospects


There are so few zoos and aquariums in the country, so most positions will be the result of turnover, which is low. While a few new zoos and aquariums may open and others may expand their facilities, the number of new curator and director positions available will be extremely low, particularly compared to the number of interested job seekers. The number of curators and directors employed by each facility depends on the size and budget of the operation and the range of animal types they house.

Starting Out

The position of zoo and aquarium curator and the position of director are not entry-level jobs. Most curators start their careers as zookeepers or aquarists and move up through the animal-management ranks.

Competition for zoo and aquarium jobs is intense but there are several ways to pursue such positions. Getting an education in animal science is a good way to make contacts that may be valuable in a job search. Professors and school administrators often can provide advice and counseling on finding jobs as a curator. The best sources for finding out about career opportunities at zoos and aquariums are trade journals (the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Connect or American Association of Zoo Keepers' Animal Keepers' Forum), the Web sites of specific institutions, and special-focus periodicals. Most zoos and aquariums have internal job postings. A few zoos and aquariums have job lines. People in the profession often learn about openings by word of mouth.

Working on a part-time or volunteer basis at an animal facility could provide an excellent opportunity to improve your eligibility for higher-level jobs in later years. Moving up from supervisory keeper positions to curator and director positions usually involves moving to another institution, often in another city and state. Today's zoo and aquarium directors often began their careers in education, marketing, business, research, and academia as well as animal management.

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