Cultural advisers are employed on a contract- or project-basis by businesses, associations, and educational institutions. Large global companies are the most significant source of employment for cultural advisers as they seek to serve the global population. Small to medium-sized companies that do business in a particular region also employ cultural advisers. Companies in large cities offer the most opportunities for cultural advisers, especially those cities that border other countries and their economies.
Starting Out
Most cultural advisers do not begin this career right after college. Some real-life experience is necessary to be qualified to fill the cultural adviser's role. Once that experience is obtained, you will be ready to try advising.
- Accountants
- Ambassadors
- Anthropologists
- Antiques and Art Dealers
- Arbitrators
- Archaeologists
- Auditors
- Automotive Dealership Owners
- Billing Clerks
- Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks
- Budget Analysts
- Business Continuity Planners
- Business Development Managers and Directors
- Business Intelligence Analysts
- Business Managers
- Buyers
- Chief Customer Officers
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Financial Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Chief Information Security Officers
- Chief Restructuring Officers
- Chief Revenue Officers
- Chief Robotics Officer
- Chief Sustainability Officers
- Chief Trust Officers
- Client Services Managers
- Collection Workers
- College Professors
- Commodities Brokers
- Community Health Program Coordinators
- Compliance Managers
- Continuous Improvement Managers
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Corporate Community Relations Directors
- Corporate Lawyers
- Corporate Librarians
- Cost Estimators
- Customer Service Directors
- Customer Service Representatives
- Customs Brokers
- Customs Officials
- Data Entry Clerks
- Decision Scientists
- Digital Workplace Experience Engineers
- Directors of Corporate Sponsorship
- Directors of Security
- Document Management Specialists
- Economists
- English as a Second Language (ESL) Teachers
- Entrepreneurs
- Ethical Sourcing Officer
- Ethnoscientists
- Event Planners
- Executive Recruiters
- Export-Import Specialists
- Fashion Models' Agents
- Federal and State Officials
- Fish and Game Wardens
- Foreign Service Officers
- Forensic Accountants and Auditors
- Franchise Owners
- Grain Merchants
- Health Care Managers
- Health Club Owners and Managers
- Health Data Analysts
- Human Resources Managers
- Information Technology Infrastructure Engineers
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Executives
- Internet Store Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Internet Transaction Specialists
- Interpreters
- Labor Union Business Agents
- Legal Operations Specialists
- Linguists
- Loss Prevention Managers
- Management Analysts and Consultants
- Merchant Mariners
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Office Administrators
- Payroll Directors
- Product Designers
- Professional Organizers
- Project Managers
- Proposal Managers
- Purchasing Agents
- Receptionists
- Regulatory Affairs Managers
- Regulatory Affairs Specialists
- Retail Business Owners
- Sales Managers
- Sales Representatives
- Secondary School Teachers
- Secretaries
- Sign Language and Oral Interpreters
- Space Tourism Managers
- Statisticians
- Stenographers
- Strategy Managers
- Tax Managers
- Temporary Workers
- Traffic Managers
- Translators
- Typists and Word Processors
- Workplace Diversity Experts