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Fashion Models' Agents

Education and Training Requirements

High School

A high school diploma is necessary for work as a fashion model agent. If you are interested in pursuing this career, you should concentrate on classes such as family and consumer science and art. Take business and mathematics classes since you will be working with contracts and negotiating salaries. English and speech classes will help you develop your communication skills. If your high school offers any sales and marketing courses, be sure to take those. Some high schools offer a curriculum that is fashion-focused, which may include classes in design, illustration, and sewing. Sign up for these if they're available.

Postsecondary Training

While a college degree in fashion merchandising, business, marketing, or a related field is helpful, you do not necessarily need one to get ahead in this industry. Much of the training is learned while on the job. In essence, a model is a commodity you are trying to sell; so naturally, any sales experience you have is good. It is important to believe in and be supportive of your model's potential.

Useful classes for aspiring agents include business, textiles, merchandising and buying, marketing, and psychology. New hires receive on-the-job training and work as assistants to agents. They learn to do bookings, keep track of schedules, and meet with clients.

Other Education or Training

Continuing education in-person classes, webinars, and other learning opportunities in business and related fields are provided by colleges and universities; for-profit, online learning platforms; and other providers.

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