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Landscape Architects

Education and Training Requirements

High School

To prepare for a college program in landscape architecture, you should take courses in English composition and literature; social sciences, including history, government, and sociology; natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, and physics; art; computer-aided design; and mathematics. If available, take drafting and mechanical drawing courses to begin building the technical skills needed for the career.

Postsecondary Training

A bachelor's or master's degree in landscape architecture is usually the minimum requirement for entry into this field. Undergraduate and graduate programs in landscape architecture are offered in various colleges and universities. For a list of programs that are accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA), visit

Courses of study usually focus on six basic areas of the profession: landscape design, landscape construction, plants, architecture, graphic expression (mechanical, freehand, and computer-based drawings), and verbal expression.

Hands-on work is a crucial element to the curriculum. Whenever possible, students work on real projects to gain experience with computer-aided design programs and multimedia simulation.


Colleges and universities and online learning platforms offer certificate programs in landscape architecture and emerging technology (e.g., AI, augmented reality) that is increasingly used by landscape architects. For example, the University of Southern California offers a graduate certificate in landscape architecture to students who complete the following classes: Urban Ecology, Plant Ecology + Identification, Global History of Designed Landscape, and Cross Cultural Topics in Landscape Architecture History. Certificate programs typically last six months to a year and are available in online, in-person, and hybrid formats. Contact schools in your area for information about available programs.

Other Education or Training

The ASLA offers a variety of continuing education (CE) classes that cover topics such as green roofs, site planning, security design, and historic preservation. The Canadian Society of Landscape Architects also offers CE opportunities. Contact these organizations for more information.

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