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Silverware Artisans and Workers


Silverware artisans include designers and artists, as well as silversmiths or precious-metal workers, who are skilled workers and repairers of silver and a variety of other metals, including gold and platinum. Silverware workers manufacture metal utensils used at the table for holding, serving, and handling food and drink, such as platters, pitchers, forks, and spoons.

The creation and manufacturing of silverware falls under a number of other areas as well, such as industrial design, metalworking, commercial art and design, and machine operation. Approximately 23,740 people are employed in the U.S. silverware manufacturing industry. 

Salary Range

Below $25,000 to $75,000

Minimum Education Level

High School Diploma




Personality Traits


Hands On


Career Ladder
Supervisor/Manager or Lead Designer

Silversmith, or Designer, or Die Maker

Experienced Silverware Worker

Buffer, Trimmer, Edger, Assembler, or Apprentice

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