Approximately 697,900 financial managers, including risk managers, are employed in the United States. Airlines, banks, insurance companies, manufacturers, government agencies, municipalities, hospitals, retailers, school districts, construction firms, nonprofit organizations, colleges and universities, and other organizations all employ risk managers.
Starting Out
College career services offices can put students in touch with recruiters from industries that employ risk managers. Recent graduates can also search the Internet for risk manager job listings, as well as visit the Web sites of employers of risk managers, such as corporations, service providers, government agencies, and other public and private organizations. Some risk managers join insurance companies, insurance brokerage firms, or consulting firms that provide risk management services to clients.
Some individuals gain experience and education while working in accounting or personnel departments and later move into risk management positions.
- Accountants
- Auditors
- Business Managers
- Financial Institution Officers and Managers
- Financial Quantitative Analysts
- Forensic Accountants and Auditors
- Fraud Examiners, Investigators, and Analysts
- Health Care Insurance Navigators
- Insurance Claims Representatives
- Insurance Fraud Investigators
- Insurance Policy Processing Workers
- Insurance Underwriters
- Life Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Property and Casualty Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Regulatory Affairs Managers