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Land Trust or Preserve Managers

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Recommended high school course work for those interested in scientific work includes biology, chemistry, and physics as well as botany and ecology. All potential land trust or preserve managers can benefit from courses in business, computer science, English, and speech.

Postsecondary Training

At the undergraduate level, you might get a natural science degree, such as zoology, biology, or botany. There has also been growing interest in degrees in conservation biology, which focuses on the conservation of specific plant and animal communities, from schools such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison ( Another key program is the School of Forestry and Environmental Studies ( at Yale University. Land and water conservation is a popular field, so if you are interested in the natural science areas, you are advised to earn at least a master's degree.

Other Education or Training

The Land Trust Alliance offers continuing education opportunities at Rally: The National Land Conservation Conference, as well as via webinars and symposia. The Nature Conservancy, Student Conservation Association, National Wildlife Federation, and other environmental organizations also provides classes, seminars, workshops, and webinars that educate people about wildlife and land conservation, land acquisition and management, and other key environmental issues. 

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