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Paper Processing Workers

Advancement Prospects

Job progress in pulp and paper plants usually takes the form of promotion from routine, semiskilled jobs to positions requiring considerable technical skill and independent judgment, such as that of the paper-machine operator. However, as the papermaking process becomes more automated, even entry-level positions may require computer literacy and good math skills.

Traditionally, advancement in this industry has been limited to specific work areas. For example, a worker involved in the pulping stage of operations could not easily transfer to the papermaking stage without starting over at an entry-level position.

After gaining several years' experience, workers are often given the opportunity to advance within their area of expertise. Such positions as production supervisor, paper final inspector, paper testing supervisor, pulp plant supervisor, and control inspector are examples of advancement possibilities. Workers with exceptional competence and supervisory ability may become supervisors of plant sections or of an entire phase of operations. Also, production workers who continue their educations and receive degrees in science may obtain positions as laboratory and testing technicians or engineers. A degree in engineering can often replace ten years of on-the-job experience for higher level positions in a paper mill.

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