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Civil Litigation Lawyers

Exploring This Job

Attend a few civil trials at your local courthouse to learn about the field. Ask your school counselor to arrange an information interview with a civil litigation attorney. Read books about the law, especially titles related to civil litigation.

If you are already in law school, you might consider becoming a student member of the American Bar Association (ABA). Student members receive Student Lawyer, a magazine that contains useful information for aspiring lawyers. Other useful resources include the Before the Bar Blog and The Law Student Podcast. These resources can be accessed at The ABA also publishes Litigation Journal and Litigation News, publications that cover the latest developments in law, topics of interest to litigators, and litigation trends. It also offers the Litigation Radio podcast. Visit

Participate in summer exploration programs in legal studies, business, and other fields that are offered by colleges and universities to learn more about the legal field and experience life on a college campus. For example, Georgetown University offers Law: How To Think Like an Attorney, which is offered in one-, two-, and four-week formats. Visit to learn more.