The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) predicts that employment for urban and regional planners will grow by 4 percent through 2033, about as fast as the average for all careers. State and local governments will need to provide more public services such as regulation of the environment, commercial development, transportation, housing, and land use for the growing population. Local governments employ about 71 percent of all urban and regional planners, and steady growth is expected in this area. Fast-growing communities will have the strongest demand for planners. The DOL notes, however, that development projects depend on funding, and government cutbacks on spending can reduce employment opportunities for environment planners who work in government agencies.
Environmental planners can expect to have decent employment opportunities in the coming years as the focus on sustainable development and environmentally friendly building and design continues to grow. They will be needed to help create plans for communities requiring roads and sewer systems, schools and libraries, and recreation facilities. Environmental planners will also be hired to help with issues such as historic preservation, redevelopment, storm water management, permits, and environmental regulation. Planners with master's degrees, strong computer skills (especially knowledge of global information software), a proven track record of successful planning, and a willingness to relocate to accept a job will have an advantage in the job hunt.
- Agricultural Scientists
- Air Quality Engineers
- Ambassadors
- Aquarists
- Arborists
- Archaeologists
- Architects
- Archivists
- Astrogeologists
- Biochemists
- Bioenergy/Biofuels Workers
- Biofuels Processing Technicians
- Biofuels Production Managers
- Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Development Managers
- Biologists
- Biomass Plant Technicians
- Biomass Power Plant Managers
- Botanists
- Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers
- Building Performance Diagnosticians
- Campaign Workers
- Cartographers
- Chemists
- Chief Sustainability Officers
- City Managers
- Civil Engineering Technicians
- Civil Engineers
- Climate Scientists
- Computer-Aided Design Drafters and Technicians
- Congressional Aides
- Construction Inspectors
- Construction Managers
- Corporate Climate Strategists
- Drafters
- Ecologists
- Energy Brokers
- Energy Conservation Technicians
- Energy Consultants
- Engineers
- Environmental Economists
- Environmental Education Program Directors
- Environmental Engineers
- Environmental Lawyers
- Environmental Lobbyists
- Environmental Restoration Planners
- Environmental Scientists
- Environmental Technicians
- EPA Special Agents
- Ergonomists
- Federal and State Officials
- Fish and Game Wardens
- Foreign Service Officers
- Forensic Meteorologists
- Foresters
- Forestry Technicians
- Fuel Cell Engineers
- Fuel Cell Technicians
- Fuel Cell Technology Workers
- Furniture Designers
- Futurists
- Geodetic Surveyors
- Geographers
- Geographic Information Systems Specialists
- Geological Technicians
- Geologists
- Geophysicists
- Geospatial Analytics Specialists
- Geotechnical Engineers
- Geothermal Energy Industry Workers
- Geothermal Production Managers
- Geothermal Technicians
- Green Builders
- Green Hotel/Resort Ecomanagers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Green Transportation Careers
- Grounds Managers
- Groundwater Professionals
- Hazardous Waste Management Specialists
- Hazardous Waste Management Technicians
- Historians
- Horticultural Inspectors
- Horticultural Technicians
- Hydroelectric Plant Technicians
- Hydroelectric Production Managers
- Hydropower and Marine Energy Industry Workers
- Indoor Environmental Health Specialists
- Industrial Designers
- Industrial Ecologists
- Intelligence Officers
- Interior Designers and Decorators
- Interpreters
- Land Acquisition Professionals
- Land Trust or Preserve Managers
- Landscape Architects
- Landscapers
- Lobbyists
- Marine Biologists
- Meteorologists
- Methane/Landfill Gas Collection System Operators
- Methane/Landfill Gas Generation System Technicians
- Microbiologists
- Molecular and Cellular Biologists
- Museum Directors and Curators
- National Park Service Employees
- Naturalists
- Occupational Safety and Health Workers
- Oceanographers
- Paleontologists
- Park Rangers
- Policy Analysts
- Political Columnists and Writers
- Political Consultants
- Political Reporters
- Political Scientists
- Political Speechwriters
- Press Secretaries
- Public Opinion Researchers
- Range Managers
- Recreation Workers
- Recycling and Reclamation Workers
- Recycling Coordinators
- Regional and Local Officials
- Remote Sensing Scientists and Technologists
- Remote Sensing Technicians
- Renewable Energy Careers
- Renewable Energy Engineers
- Renewable Energy Site Assessors
- Rewilders
- Soil Conservationists and Technicians
- Soil Scientists
- Solar Energy Industry Workers
- Solar Energy Installation Managers
- Solar Energy Sales Representatives
- Solar Engineers
- Solar Thermal Installers and Technicians
- Space Meteorologist
- Statisticians
- Surveying and Mapping Technicians
- Surveyors
- Swimming Pool Designers
- Translators
- Urban and Regional Planners
- Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Technicians
- Water/Wastewater Engineers
- Wildland Firefighters
- Wind Energy Engineers
- Wind Energy Industry Workers
- Wind Energy Operations Managers
- Wind Energy Project Managers
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors
- Zoologists