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Health Care Consultants

Exploring This Job

Try to learn as much as you can about the issues encountered daily by health care consultants by reading books about the health care industry and checking out the Web sites of health care and consulting associations. Try to find answers to questions such as: "Why is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act creating challenges for the health care industry and opportunities for consultants?"; "How will the digitalization of health care records change the health care industry?"; "What is bioterrorism, and what can consultants do to help government agencies prepare to respond to such an attack?"; and "How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the health care industry, and what can consultants do to help health care providers prepare for the next pandemic?"

If you would like to speak with someone in the field, a health teacher or school counselor can arrange an information interview with a health care consultant. Prepare questions for the interview to learn more about the profession, the duties of the job, and the training required for this career. He or she may have some important advice to help you get started in this field. Perhaps you could even job-shadow a health care consultant to learn even more about the field.

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