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Court Reporters

Exploring This Job

Can you see yourself as a court reporter someday? As with any career, you have much to consider. To get an idea of what a court reporter does—at least the work they do in public—attend some trials at your local courts. Instead of focusing on the main players—witnesses, lawyers, judges—keep an eye on the court reporter. If you can, watch several reporters in different courtrooms under different judges to get a perspective on what the average court reporter does. Try to arrange a one-on-one meeting with a court reporter so you can ask the questions you really want answers for. Maybe you can convince one of your teachers to arrange a field trip to a local court.

Read the following professional journals to learn more about the field: Journal of Court Reporting ( and The Circuit Rider (

Check out the National Court Reporters Association's DiscoverSteno Web site,, to learn more about careers in captioning and court reporting.