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Marketing Managers

Work Environment

Marketing managers often work in comfortable offices near the departments they direct. Higher level managers may have spacious offices and may enjoy such privileges as executive dining rooms, company cars, country club memberships, and liberal expense accounts.

Marketing managers often work long hours under intense pressure to meet marketing goals. Workweeks consisting of 55–60 hours at the office are not uncommon—in fact, some higher level managers spend up to 80 hours working each week. These long hours limit time available for family and leisure activities.

Marketing firms are usually highly charged with energy and are both physically and psychologically exciting places to work. Managers work with others as a team in a creative environment where a lot of ideas are exchanged among colleagues. As deadlines are critical in marketing campaigns, it is important that the manager possesses the ability to handle pressure and stress effectively. Patience and flexibility are also essential, as are organization and time management skills.

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