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Nurse Anesthetists


Nurse anesthetists are among the highest paid nursing specialists. Earnings vary based on type and size of employer, years of experience, and location, among other factors. According to the Department of Labor, nurse anesthetists earned a median salary of $174,790 in May 2019. The lowest paid 10 percent earned less thanĀ $82,460 and the top paid 10 percent earned in excess of $184,180 annually.

Nurse anesthetists who work for the federal government are paid according to a special pay scale. reports that the median yearly salary for a nurse anesthetist is about $168,287. CRNAs working in the private sector frequently have higher earnings. For example, reports that the average annual salaries for certified nurse anesthetists in 2020 ranged from $156,766 or less to $202,319 or more.

Fringe benefits are usually similar to other full-time health care workers and may include sick leave, vacation, health and life insurance, and tuition assistance.

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