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Surveying and Mapping Technicians


According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the May 2019 median hourly salary for all surveying and mapping technicians, regardless of the industry, was $21.64 (amounting to $45,010 for full-time work). The lowest paid 10 percent earned less than $13.66 ($28,410 for full-time work), and the highest paid 10 percent earned over $36.15 an hour ($75,190 for full-time work). Technicians working for the public sector in federal, state, and local governments generally earn more per hour than those working in the private sector for engineering and architectural services. Surveying and mapping technicians working for state government agencies made an average of $47,710 per year.

Benefits for salaried surveying and mapping technicians depend on the employer; however, they usually include such items as health insurance, retirement or 401(k) plans, and paid vacation days. Self-employed workers must provide their own benefits.

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