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Surveying and Mapping Technicians

Employment Prospects


Approximately 53,030 surveying and mapping technicians are employed in the United States. About 60 percent of technicians find work with engineering or architectural service firms. The federal government also employs technicians to work for the U.S. Geological Survey, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Forest Service. State and local governments also hire surveying and mapping technicians to work for highway departments and urban planning agencies. Construction firms and oil, gas, and mining companies also hire technicians.

Starting Out

Those entering surveying straight from high school may first work as an apprentice. Through on-the-job training and some classroom work, apprentices build up their skills and knowledge of the trade to eventually become surveying and mapping technicians.

If you plan to attend a technical institute or four-year college, check out your school's career services office for help in arranging examinations or interviews. Employers of surveying technicians often send recruiters to schools before graduation and arrange to employ promising graduates. Some community or technical colleges have work-study programs that provide cooperative part-time or summer work for pay. Employers involved with these programs often hire students full time after graduation.

Many cities have employment agencies that specialize in placing technical workers in positions in surveying, mapping, construction, mining, and related fields. Find these services through an online search as well as through local newspaper postings.

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