Strange as it may seem, some of the earliest examples of online researchers are the keepers of a library established by Ptolemy I in Egypt in the third century B.C. These librarians helped to build the first great library by copying and revising classical Greek texts. The monks of Europe also performed some of the modern-day researcher's tasks by building libraries and printing books. Despite their great efforts, libraries weren't used extensively until the 18th century, when literacy increased among the general population. In 1803, the first public library in the United States opened in Salisbury, Connecticut, although other libraries also claim to be the first public library.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, many different kinds of library associations evolved, reflecting the number of special libraries already established (such as medical and law libraries). With all the developments of the 20th century, these library associations helped to promote special systems and tools for locating information. These systems eventually developed into the online databases and Internet search engines used today. The Internet, although created in 1969 and subsidized by the government as a communication system for the U.S. Department of Defense, didn't become a significant source of information until relaxed government policies allowed for its commercial use in 1991.
By the 21st century, the explosion of information and information gathering techniques available due to the Internet led to the term "Big Data" in the industry. Some professionals felt Big Data compromised their value, but the Association of Independent Information Professionals (AIIP) notes that instead, information professionals have learned to harness Big Data and put it to use for their organizations. One example is gathering and mining company information and analyzing it to make recommendations for improving company efficiencies.
- Acquisitions Librarians
- Animal Trainers
- Antiques and Art Dealers
- App Services Workers
- Archivists
- Aromatherapists
- Artists
- Auctioneers
- Automotive Dealership Owners
- Automotive Dealership Sales Managers
- Back-End Developers
- Barbers
- Bed and Breakfast Owners
- Bloggers
- Book Conservators
- Brewers
- Caterers
- Chief Customer Officers
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Chief Information Security Officers
- Child Care Service Owners
- Children's Librarians
- Cleaning Service Owners
- Computer Network Administrators
- Computer Programmers
- Computer Support Service Owners
- Computer Support Specialists
- Computer Systems Programmer/Analysts
- Construction Managers
- Corporate Librarians
- Cosmetics Shop Owners and Managers
- Cosmetologists
- Cybersecurity Architects
- Data Processing Technicians
- Data Scientists
- Database Specialists
- Demographers
- Digital Designers
- Driving School Owners and Instructors
- Edupreneurs
- Entrepreneurs
- ETL Developers
- Exhibit Designers
- Export-Import Specialists
- Farmers
- Fiber Optics Technicians
- Film and Television Producers
- Film and Video Librarians
- Financial Planners
- Financial Services Brokers
- Franchise Owners
- Full Stack Developers/Engineers
- Gallery Owners and Directors
- Graphic Designers
- Graphics Programmers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Growth Hackers
- Gunsmiths
- Health Club Owners and Managers
- Help Desk Representatives
- Home Stagers
- Illustrators
- Information Assurance Analysts
- Information Security Analysts
- Information Technology Infrastructure Engineers
- Information Technology Security Consultants
- Interior Designers and Decorators
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Developers
- Internet Executives
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Internet of Things Developers
- Internet Quality Assurance Specialists
- Internet Security Specialists
- Internet Store Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Internet Transaction Specialists
- JavaScript Developers
- Law Librarians
- Lawn and Gardening Service Owners
- Librarians
- Library and Information Science Instructors
- Library Assistants
- Library Directors
- Library Media Specialists
- Library Technicians
- Life Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Literary Agents
- Market Research Analysts
- Marketing Consultants
- Medical Billing Service Owners
- Medical Librarians
- Motivational Speakers
- Music Librarians
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Personal Chefs
- Personal Privacy Advisors
- Pet Sitters
- Photographers
- Podcasters
- Product Analysts
- Product Development Directors
- Product Management Directors
- Professional Hackers
- Public Opinion Researchers
- Real Estate Developers
- Retail Business Owners
- Sales Development Representatives
- Search Engine Optimization Specialists
- Social Media Workers
- Software Application Developers
- Software Designers
- Software Engineers
- Software Quality Assurance Testers
- Songwriters
- Sports Agents
- Statisticians
- Technical Support Specialists
- Technical Writers and Editors
- Technology Ethicists
- Telemarketers
- Webmasters
- Wedding and Party Consultants
- Wireless Service Technicians
- Writers