There are no unions in the information industry, but the Association of Independent Information Professionals provides members with e-learning, seminars, industry networking, and business and marketing advice and information.
- Acquisitions Librarians
- Animal Trainers
- Antiques and Art Dealers
- App Services Workers
- Archivists
- Aromatherapists
- Artists
- Auctioneers
- Automotive Dealership Owners
- Automotive Dealership Sales Managers
- Back-End Developers
- Barbers
- Bed and Breakfast Owners
- Bloggers
- Book Conservators
- Brewers
- Caterers
- Chief Customer Officers
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Chief Information Security Officers
- Child Care Service Owners
- Children's Librarians
- Cleaning Service Owners
- Computer Network Administrators
- Computer Programmers
- Computer Support Service Owners
- Computer Support Specialists
- Computer Systems Programmer/Analysts
- Construction Managers
- Corporate Librarians
- Cosmetics Shop Owners and Managers
- Cosmetologists
- Cybersecurity Architects
- Data Processing Technicians
- Data Scientists
- Database Specialists
- Demographers
- Digital Designers
- Driving School Owners and Instructors
- Edupreneurs
- Entrepreneurs
- ETL Developers
- Exhibit Designers
- Export-Import Specialists
- Farmers
- Fiber Optics Technicians
- Film and Television Producers
- Film and Video Librarians
- Financial Planners
- Financial Services Brokers
- Franchise Owners
- Full Stack Developers/Engineers
- Gallery Owners and Directors
- Graphic Designers
- Graphics Programmers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Growth Hackers
- Gunsmiths
- Health Club Owners and Managers
- Help Desk Representatives
- Home Stagers
- Illustrators
- Information Assurance Analysts
- Information Security Analysts
- Information Technology Infrastructure Engineers
- Information Technology Security Consultants
- Interior Designers and Decorators
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Developers
- Internet Executives
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Internet of Things Developers
- Internet Quality Assurance Specialists
- Internet Security Specialists
- Internet Store Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Internet Transaction Specialists
- JavaScript Developers
- Law Librarians
- Lawn and Gardening Service Owners
- Librarians
- Library and Information Science Instructors
- Library Assistants
- Library Directors
- Library Media Specialists
- Library Technicians
- Life Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Literary Agents
- Market Research Analysts
- Marketing Consultants
- Medical Billing Service Owners
- Medical Librarians
- Motivational Speakers
- Music Librarians
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Personal Chefs
- Personal Privacy Advisors
- Pet Sitters
- Photographers
- Podcasters
- Product Analysts
- Product Development Directors
- Product Management Directors
- Professional Hackers
- Public Opinion Researchers
- Real Estate Developers
- Retail Business Owners
- Sales Development Representatives
- Search Engine Optimization Specialists
- Social Media Workers
- Software Application Developers
- Software Designers
- Software Engineers
- Software Quality Assurance Testers
- Songwriters
- Sports Agents
- Statisticians
- Technical Support Specialists
- Technical Writers and Editors
- Technology Ethicists
- Telemarketers
- Webmasters
- Wedding and Party Consultants
- Wireless Service Technicians
- Writers