Many beginning pilots start out as copilots. Seniority is the pilot's most important asset. If pilots leave one employer and go to another, they must start from the bottom again, no matter how much experience was gained with the first employer. The position of captain on a large airline is a high-seniority, high-prestige, and high-paying job. Pilots may also advance to the position of check pilot, testing other pilots for advanced ratings; chief pilot, supervising the work of other pilots; or to administrative or executive positions with a commercial airline (ground operations). They may also become self-employed, opening a flying business, such as a flight instruction, agricultural aviation, air-taxi, or charter service.
- Adventure Travel Specialists
- Aeronautical and Aerospace Technicians
- Aerospace Engineers
- Aerospace Medicine Physicians
- Agricultural Pilots
- Air Traffic Controllers
- Aircraft Mechanics
- Airplane Dispatchers
- Airport Security Personnel
- Airport Service Workers
- Amusement Park Workers
- App Services Workers
- Architects
- Armored Truck Drivers
- Astronauts
- Astronomers
- Astrophysicists
- Autonomous Vehicle Safety and Test Drivers
- Aviation Safety Inspectors
- Avionics Engineers
- Avionics Technicians
- Bicycle Mechanics
- Biosecurity Monitors
- Business Managers
- Chemical Technicians
- Chemists
- Computer Network Administrators
- Computer Programmers
- Computer Systems Programmer/Analysts
- Cruise Ship Workers
- Cryptographic Technicians
- Customer Service Representatives
- Customs Officials
- Driverless Car Engineers
- Drone Engineers
- Drone Manufacturing Workers
- Drone Pilots
- Drone Repair Technicians
- Electrical Engineering Technologists
- Electrical Engineers
- Electronics Engineering Technicians
- Electronics Engineers
- Engineering Technicians
- Engineers
- Environmental Engineers
- Fleet Maintenance Technicians
- Flight Attendants
- Flight Instructors
- Fluid Power Technicians
- Futurists
- Gaming Occupations
- Green Transportation Careers
- Ground Services Workers
- Gunsmiths
- Hosts/Hostesses
- Hypersonics Engineers
- Hypersonics Technicians
- Inbound Tour Guides
- Industrial Engineers
- Industrial Traffic Managers
- Intelligence Officers
- Internet Security Specialists
- Laboratory Testing Technicians
- Laser Technicians
- Lifeguards and Swimming Instructors
- Mail Carriers
- Manufacturing Engineering Technologists
- Manufacturing Engineers
- Manufacturing Supervisors
- Materials Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Meteorologists
- Military Pilots
- Military Police
- Military Recruiters
- Military Workers, Enlisted
- Military Workers, Officers
- Museum Attendants
- Museum Directors and Curators
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- National Park Service Employees
- Non-Destructive Testing Specialists
- Optical Engineers
- Park Rangers
- Parking Attendants
- Physicists
- Postal Clerks
- Public Transportation Operators
- Quality Control Engineers
- Quality Control Technicians
- Radiation Protection Technicians
- Railroad Conductors
- Recreation Workers
- Reservation and Ticket Agents
- Resort Workers
- Robotics Engineers
- Robotics Technicians
- Sales Managers
- Ship's Captains
- Ski Resort Workers
- Spa Attendants
- Spa Managers
- Space Lawyers
- Space Pilots
- Space Tourism Managers
- Spacecraft Test Technicians
- Sports Facility Managers
- Sports Instructors and Coaches
- Stadium Ushers and Vendors
- Strength and Conditioning Coaches
- Swimming Pool Designers
- Taxi Drivers
- Toll Collectors
- Tour Guides
- Traffic Engineers
- Transportation Engineers
- Transportation Planners
- Travel Agents
- Truck Dispatchers
- Truck Drivers
- Yoga and Pilates Instructors
- Zoo and Aquarium Curators and Directors