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Airline pilots are among the highest paid workers in the country. Salaries vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the specific airline, type of aircraft flown, number of years with a company, and level of experience. Airline pilots are also paid more for international and nighttime flights.

The U.S. Department of Labor reports that median annual earnings of airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers were $147,220 in 2019. The lowest 10 percent earned $74,210 or less; the highest paid 10 percent earned $208,000 or more. Commercial pilots had median annual earnings of $86,080 in 2019. The lowest 10 percent earned $45,480 or less and the top 10 percent earned $179,440 or more annually.

Pilots with commercial airlines receive life and health insurance and retirement benefits; if they fail their FAA physical exam during their career, they are eligible to receive disability benefits. Some airlines give pilots allowances for buying and cleaning their uniforms. Pilots and their families may usually fly free or at reduced fares on their own or other airlines.

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