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Employment Prospects


There are approximately 122,350 civilian aircraft pilots and flight engineers in the United States. The majority (84,520) work as airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers. The rest are commercial pilots. The commercial airlines, including both passenger and cargo transport companies, are the primary employers of pilots. Some pilots work for air-taxi companies, and others work for businesses that provide services such as crop dusting, pipeline inspections, or sightseeing trip. Pilots also work in general aviation, and many are trained and employed by the military.

Starting Out

A large percentage of commercial pilots have received their training in the armed forces. A military pilot who wants to apply for a commercial airplane pilot's license is required to pass only the Federal Aviation Regulations examination if application is made within a year after leaving the service.

Pilots possessing the necessary qualifications and license may apply directly to a commercial airline for a job. If accepted, they will go through a company orientation course, usually including both classroom instruction and practical training in company planes.

Those who are interested in becoming business pilots will do well to start their careers in mechanics. They may also have military flying experience, but the strongest recommendation for a business pilot's job is an airframe and power plant (A and P) rating. They should also have at least 500 hours of flying time and have both commercial and instrument ratings on their license. They apply directly to the firm for which they would like to work.

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