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Tobacco Products Industry Workers


The U.S. Department of Labor predicts slower than average employment growth for food and tobacco processing workers through 2029. Employment in the tobacco industry has decreased in recent decades, mainly the result of increased automation in manufacturing processes. Manufacturers have also cut back operations due to declining domestic sales and the increasing number of health-related lawsuits. The coronavirus pandemic has affected many industries, yet the tobacco industry has continued to operate throughout, with new protocols in manufacturing plants to protect tobacco workers. Competition will still be keen for jobs, however, particularly if staffing is at reduced capacity to ensure social distancing. While Americans have been using less tobacco than in years past, exports of American-made tobacco products are increasing, especially to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Most future demand for workers in this industry will probably be because of a need to replace workers who have moved to other jobs or left the workforce entirely.

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