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Building Automation Systems Engineers

Exploring This Job

There are many ways to explore building automation and careers in engineering. One way is to join the Technology Student Association, which provides students with a chance to explore career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, enter competitions (in areas such as architectural design, engineering design, technology problem solving, computer-aided design engineering, and structural design and engineering), and participate in summer exploration programs. Visit for more information.

The Association of Controls Professionals offers a wealth of resources about building automation, including profiles of workers, podcasts, virtual BAS lab tours, and interactive STEM roundtables with industry professionals at

Participating in information interviews with engineers is an excellent way to learn more about this career. Ask the following questions: What made you want to become a building automation engineer? What’s the best way to prepare for this career? What should I do to break into the field? Perhaps you could even set up a job shadowing experience with an engineer, in which you observe them as they do their work.

Finally, watch videos and read books about building automation, join high school and college construction and engineering clubs, and participate in summer exploration programs in these fields.

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