While in law school, get a summer position in a law firm that specializes in mergers and acquisitions. Search for job openings online or ask your law school's career services office for assistance in your search.
Find articles, information about upcoming meetings and events, and other useful information on the American Bar Association's Mergers and Acquisitions Committee Web site, https://www.americanbar.org/groups/business_law/committees/ma.
Keep up with mergers and acquisitions news and trends by visiting these Web sites:
- https://abovethelaw.com/mergers-and-acquisitions
- https://www.law360.com/mergersacquisitions
- https://www.reuters.com/finance/deals/mergers
Read the mergers and acquisitions section of the The National Law Review for industry news and analysis of legal and regulatory developments: https://www.natlawreview.com/type-law/mergers-acquisitions.
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