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Bounty Hunters

Exploring This Job

Bounty hunting can be dangerous, so you may be wondering how you can explore the field without getting hurt. That is a good question, but there are ways you can get an idea about the situations you would be encountering without being thrown into the thick of a fight. First, do some research. Contact your local and state authorities and ask for information about current laws and how they affect bounty hunters. Now that you have that information under your belt, you can contact your local police and ask to go on a ride-along with the specific focus on the times officers assist bounty hunters. (This "assistance" is usually just sitting in the patrol car to further persuade the fugitive that this is the real thing.) You may get the chance, from a safe distance, to watch the bounty hunter in action. Some cities and counties also conduct "citizen police academies" that train the public on many police situations and safety issues. Enroll in any programs you can find that provide this kind of information and training. Contact a bail bondsman (you will find many listed in the phone book) and find out if they are also bounty hunters. Ask any questions you may have. Try to interview several bondsmen to get a more balanced view of what it is like to work in the bail bonding and fugitive recovery business. As stated earlier, much of the bounty hunter's time is spent running the business. Join any clubs at school that focus on business, such as Junior Achievement.