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Information Technology Project Managers


Wherever there’s a digital data warehouse to be designed and launched, a telecommunications network to install, or IT systems that need to be modernized, there’s an IT project manager leading the way to ensure that businesses and other organizations keep running effectively. They have played a major role at companies, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies ever since the Electronic Numeric Integrator and Computer was designed and built by engineers for the War Department’s Ballistic Research Laboratory during World War II. Project managers supervised this important project and continue to play a major role in IT projects.

In 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was founded to represent the professional interests of project managers working in many areas, including information technology. The career of project manager continues to develop as a distinct profession. According to PMI, “senior executives and HR managers recognize project management as a strategic competence that is indispensable to business success. They know that skilled and credentialed practitioners are among their most valuable resources.”

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