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Marketing Consultants


Salaries and hourly rates for consultants vary widely according to experience, education, specialization, and employer. The average marketing consultant salary was $59,701 in January 2020, as reported by Salaries ranged from $37,000 to $105,000. Many marketing consultants are employed by management consulting firms. Management analysts had median annual earnings of $83,610 in May 2018, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Salaries ranged from less than $48,360 to $152,760 or more.

Employers offer a variety of benefit packages, which can include any of the following: paid holidays, vacations, and sick and personal days; medical, dental, and life insurance; profit-sharing plans; 401(k) plans; retirement and pension plans; and educational-assistance programs. Self-employed consultants must provide their own benefits.

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