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Systems Setup Specialists

Education and Training Requirements

High School

Take any mechanics and electronics classes that focus on understanding how complex machinery works. These classes will provide the basics of reading flow charts and schematic drawings and understanding technical documents. The ability to read these documents efficiently and accurately is a prerequisite for computer setup work. Also take computer classes, especially those that explain the basic functioning of computer technology. English and speech classes will also help build communication skills, which is another important quality because setup specialists often work closely with many different people. Take business classes to become familiar with practices of the business world.

Postsecondary Training

A high school diploma is a minimum educational requirement for most systems setup specialist positions. However, the competitive nature of this industry is increasing the importance of postsecondary education, such as an associate's degree. Computer technology is advancing so rapidly that without a solid understanding of the basics, setup specialists cannot keep up with the changes. Also, many aspiring computer professionals use system setup positions as a springboard to higher-level jobs in the company. Formal computer education, along with work experience, gives them a better chance for advancement.

Other Education or Training

Keeping up with industry developments is key to success as a systems setup specialist. Professional associations often provide continuing education opportunities. For example, student and professional members of the Association for Computing Machinery can access online computing and business courses via the association’s Learning Center. Visit for details. The IEEE Computer Society offers career planning webinars and continuing education courses to its members. Visit for more information.

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