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Molecular and Cellular Biologists


Molecular and cellular biologists will have good employment opportunities through 2028. Employment growth will range from average to faster than average, depending upon the industry in which biologists work.

There may be fewer opportunities in federal agencies, and there is keen competition for research and faculty positions at four-year colleges and universities for all biological scientists. Biologists who specialize in botany, marine biology, and zoology will have fewer employment opportunities and strong competition for jobs because these are small fields. Biologists will continue to be needed, however, to help identify and treat infections and diseases in people, animals, and plants. The aging population will require more drugs and medical procedures to cure and prevent illnesses and diseases. Molecular and cellular biologists will be needed to research and study genetic disorders and diseases. Companies that are developing new drugs, modified crops, environmentally friendly products, and the like will need molecular and cellular biologists' expertise.

The growth of the biotechnology industry will also continue to create opportunities for biologists. The Department of Labor predicts that even companies not solely involved in biotechnology will be increasingly using biotechnology developments and techniques in their businesses, creating job opportunities for biological scientists in a variety of industries.

Molecular and cellular biologists with advanced degrees will have the best job prospects. Competition will be keen for basic research positions. Changes in the federal budget affect funding for science research. Biologists with bachelor's degrees and laboratory experience may find work in such roles as research and laboratory assistants, science or engineering technicians, health technologists and technicians, or high school biology teachers. Many colleges and universities are cutting back on their faculties, but high schools and two-year colleges may have teaching positions available.

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