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Ceramics Engineers

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Take as many math and science classes as possible and participate in internships and other experiential opportunities to gain experience in the field.

Ceramics engineers need to be inquisitive and have an analytical mind. If you are interested in this field, no doubt you like to ask questions about how materials work and how elements react to each other. What characteristics of concrete make it crackable? What makes fiber optics carry messages over space? Ceramics engineers have inquiring minds, often analyzing and trying to figure things out.

Engineers also need to be detail oriented. Since you might be doing testing and recording of process results, you'll need to be relatively comfortable working with details. You should enjoy doing intellectually demanding work and be disciplined and motivated enough to do your job without close and constant supervision, paying close attention to what you are doing. It's also important that you be able to communicate well and get along with your coworkers because engineers often work together.

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