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Clinical Nurse Specialists

Exploring This Job

You can explore your interest in the nursing field in a number of ways. You can read books on careers in nursing and talk with high school counselors, school nurses, and local public health nurses. Visit hospitals and other health care settings to observe the work and to talk with nursing personnel.

You may find opportunities to volunteer at a local hospital, nursing home, or clinic. You might also take a Red Cross first aid course (possibly including instruction on administering CPR or the Heimlich maneuver and how to use an automated external defibrillator). Visit for available courses. You could also join a chapter of the Future Nurses of America to learn more about the nursing profession.

Middle school, high school, and college students can join HOSA-Future Health Professionals ( to learn more about health professions. HOSA offers scholarships and competitions at the state and national levels.

Participate in nursing camps that are offered by the National Student Leadership Conference (, National AHEC Organization (, and colleges and universities.

Additionally, visit for information on nursing education, scholarships, and career paths.

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