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Education and Training Requirements

High School

Since you will need at least a bachelor's degree to find work as a demographer, you should take college preparatory courses, such as social studies, English, and mathematics (algebra and geometry), while in high school. In addition, take any statistics classes that your school offers. Training in computer science (especially data science and AI) is also advantageous, as computers are used extensively for research and statistical analysis.

Postsecondary Training

College course work should include classes in social research methods, public policy, public health, statistics, and computer applications. Keep in mind that while you can get a small number of starting jobs in the field with a bachelor's degree, most social scientists go on to attain advanced degrees. Typical courses in a master's-level program in demography include:

  • Introduction to Population Analysis
  • Economic Demography
  • Fundamentals of Population Thought
  • Demographic Methods: Rates and Structures
  • Practical Computer Applications for Demographic Analysis

Many demographers get a doctorate in statistics, sociology, or demography. Approximately 110 universities offer master's programs in statistics, and about 60 have statistics departments offering doctorate programs.


Online learning platforms, professional associations, and colleges and universities offer certificate programs in demography, statistics, data science, mathematics, AI, and other fields that help students and current demographers build their skills. Contact these organizations for more information. Programs typically last six months to a year and are available in online, in-person, and hybrid formats.

Other Education or Training

The American Sociological Association, Population Association of America, and the Population Reference Bureau provide continuing education opportunities. Contact these organizations for more information.

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