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Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Extensive experience is required to start practicing as a radiologist. After completing medical school, radiologists must complete a four-year residency and then pass the medical licensing examination. Some go on after the residency to complete a one- to two-year fellowship, honing their practical skills in a subspecialty. Radiologists are knowledgeable about radiology technologies, medical conditions, and treatment options. They are able to examine images and identify diseases, injuries, and disorders. They are detail oriented, analytical thinkers who are able to clearly write their findings in reports. They also have good interpersonal skills and are able to communicate well with health care teams, referring physicians, patients, and their families. In small medical practices where radiologists have more interaction with patients, radiologists must be sensitive to patients who are anxious and afraid. Radiologists continue to learn throughout their careers. They must be knowledgeable about the most current radiology technologies, equipment, and medical practices. They take classes and attend educational events and conferences offered by medical organizations and industry associations.

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