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Geriatric Psychiatrists


Like other physicians, psychiatrists' average income is among the highest of all professionals. Psychiatrists' earnings are determined by their experience, number of patients, location, and type of practice.

The average salary for geriatric psychiatrists employed in the United States in December 2024 was $192,683, according to Salaries ranged from $35,000 or less to $251,500 or more.

The U.S. Department of Labor reports that 10 percent of psychiatrists earned less than $73,280 in May 2023. Mean annual earnings for all psychiatrists were $256,930. Psychiatrists employed by other ambulatory health care services were among the highest paid, with mean earnings topping $350,770. Those employed at outpatient care centers earned $289,100 or more a year. In addition, those who work for nursing homes usually receive benefits, such as health insurance and retirement plans, that doctors with their own practices must provide for themselves.

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