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Metallurgical Engineers

Work Environment

Extractive metallurgical engineers usually work in ore treatment plants, refineries, smelter plants, or steel mills. They may also work at remote mining sites. Those working in physical metallurgy are usually located in labs or manufacturing plants, doing research and conducting studies on extracted metals. Process engineers work in a diverse range of environments, including welding shops, rolling mills, and industrial production plants for such products as automobiles and computer parts.

Those who choose research as their specialty will spend much of their time in labs and libraries. Those who work on school faculties will spend time in classrooms, but many are also employed by companies as working professional metallurgists.

Most metallurgical engineers work a 40-hour week. Metallurgical engineers who are employed in industrial refining may work on night shifts. Occasionally, evening or weekend work may be necessary to complete special projects or work on experiments.

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