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Preventive Medicine Physicians

Work Environment

Preventive medicine physicians have offices and examination rooms that are well equipped,  lighted, and ventilated. Depending on the size of the medical practice, there may be at least one nurse-receptionist on the physician's staff, as well as several nurses, a laboratory technician, a physician's assistant, and a bookkeeper, among others.

Physicians usually see patients by appointments that are scheduled according to individual requirements. They may see patients in the office only on certain days of the week. Preventive medicine physicians in private practice have the advantages of working independently, but many work an average of 60 hours or more per week. Those that work in group practices or health care organizations may share patients with other doctors, enabling them to coordinate the care for their patients and allowing them to take time off when needed. 

Preventive medicine physicians who work in academic medicine or in research have regular hours, work under good physical conditions, and often determine their own workload. Teaching and research physicians alike are usually provided with the best and most modern equipment.

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