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Space Tourism Managers

Work Environment

This is an intellectually engaging field that is on the cutting-edge of science. For these and other reasons, most space tourism managers love their jobs despite the high-stress and fast-paced work environment. Since the majority of space tourism programs are still in development, most STMs have a traditional 9:00 to 5:00, Monday-Friday workweek. But as the industry ramps up and space tourism flights become common, STMs will be required to be on hand for launches, landings, and all of the space flight moments in between. This will require them to work at nights and weekends to ensure tourism missions go as planned.

Space tourism managers work in traditional offices. They spend 20 to 40 percent of their time traveling to spaceports to oversee the development of space tourism facilities, evaluate spacesuit designs, evaluate the components in a spacecraft passenger module, and perform other duties. Federal Aviation Administration–licensed spaceports are located in Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia.

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