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Employment Prospects


There are approximately 45,860 writers and authors currently employed in the United States. About 10 percent of salaried writers and authors work in the information sector, which includes newspapers, magazines, book publishers, film companies, and radio and television broadcasting. Writers also work for advertising agencies and public relations firms and work on journals and newsletters published by business and nonprofit organizations, such as professional associations, labor unions, and religious organizations. Other employers are government agencies and film production companies. About 63 percent of writers and authors are self-employed.

Starting Out

A fair amount of experience is required to gain a high-level position in the field. Most writers start out in entry-level positions. These jobs may be listed with college career services offices, or they may be obtained by applying directly to the employment departments of the individual publishers or broadcasting companies. Graduates who previously served internships with these companies often have the advantage of knowing someone who can give them a personal recommendation. Want ads in newspapers and trade journals, in print and online, are another source for jobs. Few vacancies are listed with public or private employment agencies, however, because of the competition for positions.

Employers in the communications field usually are interested in samples of published writing, and usually prefer to see these samples in a digital portfolio. Bylined or signed articles are more credible (and, as a result, more useful) than stories whose source is not identified.

Entry-level positions as a junior writer usually involve library and Internet research, preparation of rough drafts for part or all of a report, cataloging, and other related writing tasks. These are generally carried on under the supervision of a senior writer.

Many firms now hire writers directly upon application or recommendation of college professors and career services offices.

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