The American Society of Journalists and Authors provides education, networking opportunities, professional development, and membership benefits.
American Society of Journalists and Authors
355 Lexington Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, NY, 10017-6603
Tel: (212) 997-0947
This organization of book publishers offers an extensive Web site to learn about the book business.
Association of American Publishers
455 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Suite 700
New York, NY, 10003-3004
Tel: (202) 347-3375
Fax: (202) 347-3690
The Editorial Freelancers Association provides resources and education for freelance editors.
Editorial Freelancers Association
266 West 37th Street, 20th Floor
New York, NY, 10018
Tel: (866) 929-5425
Tel 2: (212) 920-4816
The MPA - The Association of Magazine Media provides education, events, and advocacy for magazine professionals.
MPA—The Association of Magazine Media
Tel: (202) 296-7277
The National Association of Science Writers offers information on science writing and editing careers.
National Association of Science Writers
PO Box 7905
Berkeley, CA, 94707-0905
Tel: (510) 647-9500
The National Society of Newspaper Columnists promotes professionalism and camaraderie among columnists and other writers.
National Society of Newspaper Columnists
205 Gun Hill Street
Milton, MA, 02186
Tel: (617) 322-1420
The National Writers Union is a labor union that provides education, advocacy, and resources for journalists and writers.
National Writers Union
256 West 38th Street, Suite 703
New York, NY, 10018-9807
Tel: (212) 254-0279
Fax: (212) 254-0673
The News Leaders Association provides a variety of resources on journalism education and careers in journalism.
News Leaders Association
209 Reynolds Journalism Institute
Missouri School of Journalism
Columbia, MO, 65211
Tel: (573) 882-2430
The News Media Alliance provides information on careers in newspapers and industry facts and figures.
News Media Alliance
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., Suite 300
Arlington, VA, 22203
Tel: (571) 366-1000
The Online News Association is a membership organization for digital journalists.
Online News Association
1111 North Capitol Street, NE, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC, 20002-7502
The Society for Technical Communication provides education, certification, and other resources for technical writers.
Society for Technical Communication
3251 Old Lee Highway, Suite 406
Fairfax, VA, 22030
Tel: (703) 522-4114
Fax: (703) 522-2075
The Society of Professional Journalists offers job listings, training opportunities, educational resources, discussion boards and blogs, and much more.
Society of Professional Journalists
3909 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, IN, 46208-4011
Tel: (317) 927-8000
Fax: (317) 920-4789
The guild is a union for journalists, sale workers, and other media professionals.
The Newspaper Guild, Communication Workers of America
501 3rd Street, NW
Washington, DC, 20001-2797
Tel: (202) 434-7177
- Actors
- Advertising Managers
- Animal Trainers
- Animators
- Antiques and Art Dealers
- Aromatherapists
- Art Directors
- Artist and Repertoire Workers
- Artists
- Auctioneers
- Audio Recording Engineers
- Augmented Reality Developers
- Automotive Dealership Owners
- Automotive Dealership Sales Managers
- Barbers
- Bed and Breakfast Owners
- Bloggers
- Book Conservators
- Book Editors
- Brewers
- Broadcast Engineers
- Camera Operators
- Cartoonists
- Caterers
- Chief Executive Officers
- Chief Information Officers
- Child Care Service Owners
- Choreographers
- Cinematographers and Directors of Photography
- Circus Performers
- Cleaning Service Owners
- Clowns
- Columnists
- Comedians
- Comic Book Writers
- Composers and Arrangers
- Computer and Video Game Designers
- Computer Programmers
- Computer Support Service Owners
- Construction Managers
- Content Management Specialists
- Copy Editors
- Copywriters
- Cosmetics Shop Owners and Managers
- Cosmetologists
- Costume Designers
- Dancers
- Desktop Publishing Specialists
- Diet and Fitness Writers
- Digital Advertising Workers
- Digital Agents
- Digital Designers
- Digital Marketing Workers
- Disc Jockeys
- Driving School Owners and Instructors
- Editorial Assistants
- Editorial Research Assistants
- Editors
- Edupreneurs
- Entrepreneurs
- Export-Import Specialists
- Farmers
- Fashion Illustrators
- Fashion Photographers
- Fashion Stylists
- Fashion Writers and Editors
- Film and Television Directors
- Film and Television Editors
- Film and Television Extras
- Film and Television Producers
- Film and Video Librarians
- Financial Planners
- Financial Services Brokers
- Food Photographers
- Food Writers and Editors
- Foreign Correspondents
- Franchise Owners
- Gallery Owners and Directors
- Grant Coordinators and Writers
- Graphic Designers
- Graphics Programmers
- Green Marketers
- Green Products Manufacturers
- Greeting Card Designers and Writers
- Gunsmiths
- Health Club Owners and Managers
- Home Stagers
- Illustrators
- Indexers
- Information Brokers
- Intellectual Property Lawyers
- Interior Designers and Decorators
- Internet Consultants
- Internet Content Curators
- Internet Developers
- Internet Executives
- Internet Marketing and Advertising Consultants
- Internet Quality Assurance Specialists
- Internet Security Specialists
- Internet Store Managers and Entrepreneurs
- Interpreters
- JavaScript Developers
- Journalism Teachers
- Lawn and Gardening Service Owners
- Lexicographers
- Life Insurance Agents and Brokers
- Lighting Technicians
- Literary Agents
- Live Streamers
- Magazine Editors
- Magicians
- Makeup Artists
- Market Research Analysts
- Marketing Consultants
- Marketing Managers
- Media Relations Specialists
- Medical Billing Service Owners
- Mobile Software Developers
- Motion Graphics Artists
- Motivational Speakers
- Multimedia Artists and Animators
- Multimedia Sound Workers
- Music Agents and Scouts
- Music Conductors and Directors
- Music Journalists
- Music Producers
- Music Venue Owners and Managers
- Music Video Directors and Producers
- Music Video Editors
- Musicians
- News Anchors
- Newspaper Editors
- Non-Fungible Token Artists
- Online Gambling Specialists
- Online Journalists
- Online Producers
- Personal Chefs
- Pet Sitters
- Photo Editors
- Photographers
- Photojournalists
- Playwrights
- Podcasters
- Political Columnists and Writers
- Political Reporters
- Political Speechwriters
- Pop/Rock Musicians
- Prepress Workers
- Production Assistants
- Production Designers and Art Directors
- Public Relations Managers
- Public Relations Specialists
- Publicists
- Radio and Television Announcers
- Radio and Television Program Directors
- Radio Producers
- Real Estate Developers
- Real Estate Writers
- Reporters
- Retail Business Owners
- Science and Medical Writers
- Screenwriters
- Search Engine Optimization Specialists
- Show Runners
- Singers
- Social Media Influencers
- Social Media Workers
- Software Application Developers
- Software Designers
- Software Quality Assurance Testers
- Songwriters
- Special and Visual Effects Technicians
- Sports Agents
- Sports Broadcasters and Announcers
- Sports Photographers
- Sportswriters
- Stage Directors
- Stage Managers
- Stage Production Workers
- Stunt Performers
- Talent Agents and Scouts
- Technical Writers and Editors
- Theater Managers
- Translators
- Typists and Word Processors
- User Experience Designers
- Video Game Art Directors
- Video Game Producers
- Video Game Testers
- Visual Interaction Designers
- Webmasters
- Wedding and Party Consultants