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Biomass Power Plant Managers

Exploring This Job

Visit out the Biomass Energy Basics page at the National Renewal Energy Laboratory's Web site,, to learn more about the field. Learn industry terminology by checking out glossaries, such as the one that is offered by the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (

Learn more about the biomass energy industry by attending industry events and conferences. For example, the International Biomass Conference and Expo is held each year in different parts of the country and offers opportunities to network with and learn from people working in the biomass field. Find information at

Participate in information interviews and job-shadowing experiences with biomass industry professionals to learn more about the field. Get involved in renewable energy competitions and participate in summer exploration programs in science, technology, and renewable energy at colleges and universities to obtain hands-on experience.

Visit the Web sites of industry associations such as the American Biomass Energy Association ( to keep up with industry news and career opportunities. Search for biomass energy associations that are located in your region to find out about upcoming events. Volunteering at these events is another good way to gain valuable experience and talk with people about the different types of jobs in biomass energy. A part-time or summer job in a biomass power plant or renewable energy company is another good way to get a foot in the door. Find job listings through your school's career services office, via professional associations, and through employment Web sites.

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