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Computer Support Specialists

Employment Prospects


Computer support specialists work for computer hardware and software companies, as well as for large retailers, administrative and support services companies, government agencies, educational institutions, financial institutions, insurance companies, telecommunications organizations, and health care organizations. There are approximately 941,300 computer support specialists employed in the United States.

Starting Out

Most computer support positions are considered entry-level. They are found mainly in information technology companies and large corporations. Individuals interested in obtaining a job in this field should scan online ads for openings in local businesses. Since many job openings are publicized by word of mouth, it is critical to speak with as many current computer professionals as possible. They tend to be aware of job openings before anyone else and may be able to offer a recommendation to the hiring committee.

If students of computer technology are seeking a position in computer support, they should work closely with their school’s career services office. Many employers inform career services offices at nearby schools of openings before ads are run. In addition, career services office staffs are generally very helpful with resume writing assistance and interviewing techniques.

If an employee wants to make a career change into computer support, he or she should contact the human resources department of the company or speak directly with appropriate management. In companies that are expanding their computing systems, it is often helpful for management to know that current employees would be interested in growing in a computer-related direction. They may even be willing to finance additional education.

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