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Computer Support Specialists

Exploring This Job

If you are interested in entering this field, you should try to organize a career day with a computer support specialist. Local computer repair shops that offer computer support service might be good places to contact. Otherwise, you should contact major corporations, computer companies, large retailers, and even the central office of your school system.

If you are interested in any computer field, you should start working and playing on computers as much as possible; many working computer professionals became computer hobbyists at a very young age. You can surf the Internet (and actually seek out the assistance of an online support specialist if you need assistance with a video game or other computer problem), read computer magazines, and join school or community computer clubs.

You might also take a computer technology course at a local technical/vocational school. This would give you hands-on exposure to typical computer support training. In addition, if you experience problems with your own hardware or software, you should call computer support, paying careful attention to how the support specialist handles the call and asking as many questions as the specialist has time to answer.

Participate in competitions that are offered by professional associations, youth organizations, and other entities. For example, the Technology Student Association ( offers 40 competitions for high school students, including in Software Development, Technology Problem Solving, and System Control Technology.

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