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Internet Executives

Advancement Prospects

Most business management and top executive positions are filled by experienced lower-level managers and executives who display valuable managerial traits, such as leadership, self-confidence, creativity, motivation, decisiveness, and flexibility.

Advancement in smaller firms may come more slowly, while promotions may occur more quickly in larger firms. Advancement may be accelerated by participating in different kinds of educational programs available for managers. These are often paid for by the employer. Managers who take company training programs broaden their knowledge of company policy and operations. Training programs sponsored by industry and trade associations and continuing education courses taken at colleges and universities can familiarize managers with the latest developments in management techniques. In recent years, large numbers of middle managers were laid off as companies streamlined operations. An employee's proven commitment to improving his or her knowledge of the business's field and computer information systems is important in establishing a reputation as a top professional.

Business managers may advance to executive or administrative vice president. Vice presidents may advance to peak corporate positions, such as president or chief executive officer. Sometimes executives go on to establish their own firms.

Many CEOs are moving toward the role of chairman and away from day-to-day operations to focus on higher level, visionary strategy. The ability to understand and implement solutions based on Internet technologies is essential at this level.

Regardless of the industry, the advancement path of executives at Internet companies is limited only by their interest, abilities, and willingness to work hard. Advancement is also more likely if employees find mentors to work with at their companies, who can advise them. Volunteering to lead certain projects within a department and handling those responsibilities successfully can often lead to promotions within a company.

As more companies expand their Internet presence and e-commerce options, the need for Internet executives will grow.

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