One of the first examples of weather being referenced in a legal case occurred in the late 1800s. During a severe drought, a minister organized a community prayer for rain. One man refused to participate in the prayer, believing that humans should not meddle in the affairs of God. Soon after the community finished praying, a torrent of rain soaked the area, a bridge was washed out, and a barn was struck by lightning and burned down. The barn was owned by the objector, who sued the minister, blaming him for the destruction. The lawyer for the minister argued that they’d only prayed for rain and that the lightning was a “gratuitous gift of God.” The judge agreed with the lawyer’s argument and dismissed the case
The use of weather information in court and other legal situations has come a long way since the late 1800s. The utilization of computers, weather satellites, radar, and other advanced technologies have allowed people to gather precise information that can pinpoint exactly what the weather conditions were when an accident or other event occurred that has prompted civil or criminal litigation. Demand is expected to grow for forensic meteorologists as a result of continuing advances in technology (including the use of advanced artificial intelligence), the increasing severity of weather events in some areas as a result of global climate change, and other factors.
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