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Mechanical Engineering Technicians

Work Environment

Mechanical engineering technicians work in a variety of conditions, depending on their field of specialization. Technicians who specialize in design may find that they spend most of their time at the drafting board or computer. Those who specialize in manufacturing may spend some time at a desk, but also spend considerable time in manufacturing areas or shops.

Conditions also vary by industry. Some industries require technicians to work in foundries, die-casting rooms, machine shops, assembly areas, or punch-press areas. Most of these areas, however, are well lighted, heated, and ventilated. Moreover, most industries that employ mechanical engineering technicians have strong safety programs.

Mechanical engineering technicians are often called upon to exercise decision-making skills, to be responsible for valuable equipment, and to act as effective leaders. At other times they carry out routine, uncomplicated tasks. Similarly, in some cases, they may coordinate the activities of others, while at other times, they are the ones supervised. They must be able to respond well to both types of demands. In return for this flexibility and versatility, mechanical engineering technicians are usually highly respected by their employers and coworkers.

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