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Security Guards

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Although there are no specific educational or professional requirements, many security guards have had previous experience with police work or other forms of crime prevention.

General good health (especially vision and hearing), alertness, emotional stability, and the ability to follow directions are important characteristics for security guards. Military service and experience in local or state police departments are assets. Prospective guards should have clean records. Some employers require applicants to take a polygraph examination or a written test that indicates honesty, attitudes, and other personal qualities. Most employers require applicants and experienced workers to submit to drug screening tests as a condition of employment.

For some hazardous or physically demanding jobs, guards must be under a certain age and meet height and weight standards. For top-level security positions in facilities such as nuclear power plants or vulnerable information centers, guards may be required to complete a special training course. They may also need to fulfill certain relevant academic requirements.

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