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Behavioral Health Technicians

Experience, Skills, and Personality Traits

Behavioral health technicians gain experience by volunteering, interning, or working part-time in mental health organizations and centers.

This type of work requires strong communication and listening skills. Each patient is different, with unique personality, interests, and needs. Technicians must be patient, have good listening skills, and be sensitive to other people. They must be careful in the words they choose and the actions they take when working with people in order to best help them. They must also stay alert and observant of their clients' actions and behaviors. Not all people will be able to verbalize how they are feeling or why they are behaving the way they are, so technicians must pay close attention and stay calm and resilient. In addition to mental stamina, physical stamina is also called upon in this job. Behavioral health technicians may spend much of the work day on their feet, so physical fitness is helpful. The ability to collaborate with others, such as the medical and mental health staff, is also essential. Strong organizational and time-management skills are needed for administrative tasks.

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